Did you know by regularly using a body scrub, you'll unclog your pores, which can prevent razor bumps and ingrown hairs. They leave your skin smoother and more even. When dry skin isn't removed, it makes the skin rough to the touch and has a dull, cracked texture and appearance.

As a general guideline, start off using body scrubs once per week, and then gradually increase to 3-4 times per week. If you are new to exfoliation, first test on one part of your body. If you know you have sensitive skin, talk to your dermatologist first.

Here are some of the biggest shea butter benefits

comforts irritated skin, deeply moisturizes dry, cracked skin, hydrates chapped lips, soothes dry, irritated scalp, conditions hair, protects hair from heat, and softens skin and hair. Help heal cuts and scrapes. It helps fight breakouts. It's Antioxidants may mean anti-aging properties.


Know The Difference

The main difference between rosemary oil and rosemary essential oil is; Method of extraction: Rosemary oil is extracted by soaking the plant material in a carrier oil, while rosemary essential oil is extracted using a distillation process.